1st to 12th November 2021
Climate change is the defining crisis of our time. The latest report by the IPCC shows it is happening even faster than predicted. Whilst impacts of climate change are already being felt, there are huge gaps between governments’ plans and what is needed to reduce carbon emissions. COP26 (the next Conference of Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change- UNFCCC) will be the most important global summit since the Paris agreement.
Read here about my campaigning in the run up to COP26 and how you can get involved. This page will be kept updated with my latest COP26 news.
Pippa on COP26
I have been working on the interrelated issues of climate change, biodiversity and poverty reduction all of my professional life. Working in South America and East Africa I saw first hand the impacts of climate change and environmental destruction on local communities, and I carried this experience to my work with the UK Department for International Development and the UN Development Programme. Hear me talk in this video about my hopes for COP26.
Bringing local voices to COP26
I was delighted to be asked by a local sustainability group and Eco Youth Council to deliver their message to leaders at COP6. I have brought with me an incredible book of letters, poems and artwork from the children and adults of Histon and Impington and surrounding South Cambridgeshire villages with their hopes and ideas for a greener fairer future. I will be putting this in front of as many people as I can at the COP and it is a privilege to be bringing the voice of my local community to this global summit.
Climate powers for councils
Local authorities are on the front line tackling climate change and dealing with its impacts. I am leading a Lib Dem campaign for COP26 to recognise the importance of councils in climate change action and for the powers and funding they need. As lead Lib Dem voice on Housing. Transport and the Environment in the LGA I have joined a cross party task force in a series of meetings with UK Ministers to bring our ask to them. And I have written to the UK Government demanding it take action.
Greening the Liberal Democrats agenda
Our campaigning on COP26 and climate action is underpinned by a strong Lib Dem agenda on climate change and protection of the natural environment. At the recent Lib Dem Conference I stood with the Green Liberal Democrats in support of important changes to our manifesto to include environmental values in the Lib Dem values and wellbeing as a measure of success. The Conference also adopted two extremely important motions on climate change and my amendment to the motion on climate change and COP26 embedded our policy on climate powers for councils.
Read my write up on Greening policy at the Lib Dem Conference.
Read more about the work of the Green Liberal Democrats.